Integral in a Sentence

Sharing Integral in a sentence in English, these sentences we use in our daily life and are helpful in academic exams. Word Integral in Example Sentences.

Use Integral in a Sentence

Integral sentence

1. Eating fruits and vegetables is an integral part of a diet.

2. Our state is an integral part of the country.

3. An engine is an integral part of any motor vehicle.

4. Honesty should be an integral part of life.

5. Protein is an integral part of a well-balanced diet.

6. Entertainment is an integral part of our routine life.

7. Technology is an integral part of our industry now.

8. Festivals are an integral part of our culture.

9. Having a well-stocked library is an integral part of any school or college.

10. Making mistakes is an integral part of the learning process.

11. He forgot an integral part of his argument.

12. Having an eyewitness is an integral part of any judgment.

13. Statistics are an integral part of Medical Research.

14. Having a good night’s sleep is an integral part of our health regime.

15. Freedom of speech is an integral part of democracy.

16. Music is an integral part of the school’s curriculum.

17. To survive in this competitive job environment speaking English has become an integral part.

18. She was an integral part of the organization.

19. Joker is an integral part of any Circus.

20. He played an integral part in the business.


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