Ancestral in a Sentence

Sharing Ancestral sentence in English, these sentences we use in our daily life. Word Ancestral in Example Sentences.

Use Ancestral in a Sentence

Sentence about Ancestral

1. They had a huge ancestral home back in their village.

2. He moved out of his ancestral property.

3. Her ancestral estate was tied to the family.

4. I admire that he renounced all his ancestral money to become self-made.

5. He had right over a few acres of ancestral property.

6. He had immense ancestral wealth.

7. Italian was her ancestral language.

8. He did not get his share of ancestral property.

9. Earlier weddings used to take place in ancestral homes.

10. Their ancestral kingdom was the apple of discord.

11. Most people end up fighting for their ancestral property.

12. She has given all her salary and ancestral property to social welfare.

13. No one wants to live in their ancestral houses anymore.

14. I have renounced my claim to my ancestral house.

15. How can the ancestral souls get peace?

16. He lives in a majestic ancestral home built by his father.

17. Many people have ancestral agricultural land in their villages.

18. After the father’s death, all the children quarreled over their share in the ancestral property.

19. It is very important to get ancestral values from our forefathers.

20. Lack of growth and facilities forced me to leave my ancestral home.


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