Essay on Good Company in English For Students

We are sharing an Essay on Good Company in English for students and children in 100, 150, 200 words.

Essay on Good Company in English

A man is known by the company he keeps. Our friends and company guide our life to a great extent. Good company means the company of virtuous people. Their good thoughts influence our own thoughts as well.

Good company is like the golden touch of Midas. It makes our lives bright and invaluable like gold. On the other hand, the bad thoughts of our friends make us think and behave in a wrong way.

We can learn a lot from a good company. Their routine, their interest in books and sports, and their performance in studies also inspire us to work hard. Good company illuminates our lives like a torch.

We carry our childhood habits throughout our lives, hence we should be very careful about the friends we choose and the habits we pick up from them.


# Paragraph on Good Company

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