Essay on Dog in English for Students & Children

We are Sharing an Essay on Dog in English for students. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a Short essay about Dogs for Class 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 in 50, 100, 200, 300 words.

Essay on Dog in English for Students & Children

The Dog Essay for kids in 100 words

The dog is a very faithful pet. It is a good friend of ours. It is found almost everywhere in the world. It has four legs, two ears, a tail, and sharp teeth. Its legs are thin. It can run very fast. It can also jump and swim. The dog eats rice, cooked vegetables, bread, and milk. It is very fond of meat and bones also. It has a keen sense to smell and hear. It is a very useful animal. It is always watchful and alert. It watches its master’s house. It drives the thieves away by barking and chasing. It is also used by the police in many activities. It is considered the most faithful animal.


Essay on Dog in 150 words

The dog is a four-footed tame animal. There are stray dogs, bulldogs, greyhounds, lap dogs, and bloodhounds. The flesh-eating dogs tear the meat with their sharp teeth. They are very dangerous in their wild state. The dog has thin legs, straight ears, and a long tail. Its thin legs help it is running very fast. Its entire body is covered with short and thick hair. The tame dogs live on bread, rice, and milk. Stray dogs eat rubbish and left-overs. The dogs have a strong sense of smell. They are good guards. They are bold, fearless, and faithful animals. Trained dogs carry messages. They draw the sledge in cold countries. The hounds catch the prey. Sheepdogs help the shepherds in looking after the sheep. The policemen trace out thieves and criminals with their help.


# composition | Paragraph on Dog

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