Called in a Sentence

Sharing the word Called in a Sentence, These sentences we use in our daily life and are helpful in academic exams. Called in a Sentence Example.

Called in a Sentence

Use the word Called in a sentence, please write sentence with Called word

1 She called my name from afar.

2 The teacher called on me to answer.

3 The bird’s song is called a melody.

4 They called a meeting for tomorrow.

5 The doctor called with the test results.

6 The author is called a literary genius.

7 The place is called Paradise Valley.

8 The referee called a foul.

9 The event is called a celebration.

10 The cat is called Whiskers.

11 The dish is called spicy curry.

12 He called for help loudly.

13 The flower is called a rose.

14 The game is called chess.

15 The company is called InnovateTech.

16 She called her friend on the phone.

17 The mountain is called Everest.

18 The car is called a convertible.

19 The play is called “Romeo and Juliet.”

20 They called it a breakthrough.


Write 20  short sentences with Called word Examples

1 Called by a mysterious voice.

2 Called to action immediately.

3 Called out in the darkness.

4 Called off due to rain.

5 Called on for help.

6 Called it a misunderstanding.

7 Called by a wrong name.

8 Called into the principal’s office.

9 Called for unity.

10 Called the meeting to order.

11 Called it quits.

12 Called my best friend.

13 Called a bluff.

14 Called for backup.

15 Called a meeting.

16 Called a taxi.

17 Called out of work.

18 Called a timeout.

19 Called for silence.

20 Called out the mistake.


Write 30 long sentences of Called word | Called word in a sentence examples

1 The ancient manuscript, known as the Voynich manuscript, is often called one of the world’s most enigmatic and indecipherable texts, as its content and origin remain shrouded in mystery.

2 In the realm of astronomy, the event where the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, casting a shadow upon the Earth’s surface, is called a solar eclipse, captivating observers with its rare beauty.

3 The concept of cognitive dissonance, as introduced by psychologist Leon Festinger, explores the discomfort people experience when their beliefs and actions are at odds, leading to a psychological phenomenon commonly called cognitive dissonance.

4 The style of art characterized by dreamlike, surreal scenes that seem to transcend reality is often called “magical realism,” where the ordinary and the extraordinary coexist harmoniously.

5 The process by which plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen is called photosynthesis and serves as a foundation for life’s intricate food chains.

6 The practice of using subtle cues and nonverbal signals to convey information and emotions, often without explicit verbal communication, is called body language, and plays a significant role in human interactions.

7 The architectural style prevalent in Europe during the 12th to 16th centuries, characterized by pointed arches and intricate ornamentation, is called Gothic architecture, showcasing the artistic and engineering achievements of its time.

8 The process of analyzing complex biological specimens using a beam of electrons is called electron microscopy, allowing scientists to explore intricate cellular structures in unprecedented detail.

9 The island nation in the Indian Ocean, located off the southeastern coast of Africa, is called Madagascar, known for its unique biodiversity and distinct ecosystems.

10 The economic theory that emphasizes limited government intervention, free markets, and individual self-interest as driving factors for economic growth is often called laissez-faire capitalism.

11 The philosophy founded by Confucius, which emphasizes ethical behavior, filial piety, and social harmony, is called Confucianism, shaping cultural norms and values across East Asia for centuries.

12 The process of producing energy by splitting the nucleus of an atom, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the form of heat and light, is called nuclear fission.

13 The social phenomenon where individuals tend to conform to the behavior and opinions of a majority or a group is called groupthink, which can sometimes stifle critical thinking and creativity.

14 The condition characterized by the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, often leading to daytime fatigue and impaired functioning, is called insomnia and affects millions of people worldwide.

15 The celestial event where the Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon, causing a reddish hue during a lunar eclipse, is called a blood moon, captivating observers with its captivating display.

16 The psychological state of feeling detached from one’s own body or surroundings, often described as an out-of-body experience, is called depersonalization, which can be triggered by various factors including stress and anxiety.

17 The cultural movement in the United States during the 1950s that emphasized artistic expression, nonconformity, and countercultural values is called the Beat Generation, leaving a lasting impact on literature and music.

18 The legal principle that allows individuals to assert their rights to a piece of property or land based on continuous and open use, typically over a long period, is called adverse possession.

19 The disease characterized by the gradual deterioration of brain function, memory loss, and cognitive impairment is called Alzheimer’s disease and affects millions of elderly individuals around the world.

20 The event in which the Earth’s axis is tilted furthest from the Sun, resulting in the shortest day and longest night of the year, is called the winter solstice, marking the official start of winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

21 The practice of obtaining knowledge and guidance from supernatural forces or higher beings is often called divination, encompassing various methods such as astrology, tarot readings, and crystal gazing.

22 The political ideology that advocates for the abolition of all forms of government and hierarchical systems, aiming for a society based on voluntary cooperation and mutual aid, is called anarchism.

23 The scientific discipline dedicated to understanding the behavior and interactions of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels is called quantum physics, revolutionizing our understanding of the universe.

24 The system of government where the power is concentrated in the hands of a single ruler, often hereditary, is called monarchy, which can take various forms such as absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy.

25 The medical condition where the airways in the lungs become inflamed and narrowed, leading to difficulty breathing and chronic coughing, is called asthma and requires careful management and treatment.

26 The cultural movement that emerged in the early 20th century, challenging traditional norms and embracing innovation in art, literature, and lifestyle, is called modernism, reshaping cultural landscapes worldwide.

27 The economic policy that focuses on increasing government spending and reducing taxes to stimulate economic growth, often during times of recession, is called Keynesian economics, named after economist John Maynard Keynes.

28 The international agreement signed in 2015 with the goal of limiting global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions is called the Paris Agreement, reflecting a collective effort to address climate change.

29 The phenomenon in which two tectonic plates move away from each other, allowing magma to rise from the mantle and solidify, forming a new crust, is called seafloor spreading, contributing to the formation of ocean basins.

30 The complex system of beliefs, practices, rituals, and values that guide a person’s spiritual journey and relationship with the divine is called religion and plays a profound role in shaping cultures and societies across the world.


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